The Politecnico
- News
- About Polimi
Politecnico di Milano History
- The origins
- The historical locations
- The current structure
- The Rectors in history
- Honorary degrees
Professors emeriti and honorary
- Giuseppe Allegra
- Luigi Amerio
- Giulio Ballio
- Emilio Bartezzaghi
- Amedeo Bellini
- Umberto Bertelè
- Luisa Bicelli
- Emanuele Biondi
- Sergio Bittanti
- Carlo Enrico Bottani
- Arnaldo Brandolini
- Francesco Brioschi
- Federico Butera
- Giuseppe Caglioti
- Roberto Camagni
- Guido Canella
- Andrea Capello
- Sergio Carrà
- Pietro Luigi Cavallotti
- Luigi Cedolin
- Sergio Cerutti
- Alberto Cigada
- Vincenzo Columbo
- Giancarlo Consonni
- Francesco Correggiari
- Sergio Cova
- Stefano Crespi Reghizzi
- Rinaldo Cubeddu
- Luigi Dadda
- Adriano De Maio
- Maurizio Decina
- Alessandro Dei Poli
- Arturo Dell'Acqua Bellavitis
- Mario Dente
- Pietro De Pol
- Sandro De Silvestri
- Giorgio Diana
- Amalia Ercoli Finzi
- Pio Forzatti
- Patrizia Gabellini
- Pietro Gambarova
- Marino Gatto
- Carlo Ghezzi
- Vittorio Giavotto
- Giuseppe Grandori
- Alberto Grimoldi
- Guido Guardabassi
- Giorgio Guariso
- Fulvio Irace
- Arturo Locatelli
- Pietro Locatelli
- Ennio Macchi
- Gianantonio Magnani
- Giulio Maier
- Ugo Majone
- Pier Giorgio Malerba
- Pietro Cesare Marani
- Sergio Giovanni Mariotti
- Marzio Marseguerra
- Mario Martinelli
- Francesco Minisci
- Antonio Monestiroli
- Roberto Negrini
- Gianni Gilberto Ottolini
- Giorgio Paolini
- Luciano Patetta
- Ernesto Pedrocchi
- Silvia Elvira Maria Piardi
- Emilio Pizzi
- Alfio Maria Quarteroni
- Fabio Rocca
- Giannantonio Sacchi Landriani
- Sandro Salsa
- Fernando Sansò
- Mauro Santomauro
- Fabio Alberto Schreiber
- Quirico Semeraro
- Giuseppe Serazzi
- Giovanni Serravalle
- Ottorino Sesini
- Luigi Solaini
- Ernesto Stagni
- Renato Stefanelli
- Orazio Svelto
- Domenico Zampaglione
- Giuseppe Zerbi
- Rector
- Prorectors
- Vice Rectors
- Rector's Delegates
- University Bodies
- General Affairs and Strategic Support Division
- Financial Management and Economics Division
- Campus Life Division
- Educational Division
- Supplies & Facility Management Division
- Public Engagement & Communication Division
- Research, Innovation and Corporate Relations Division
- HR & Organizational Development Division
- ICT Services Division
- Real Estate, Construction and Development Division
- Structures
- Our figures
- University projects
- International relations
- Calls and competitions
- Communication
- Contacts
- Education
- PhD
- News
- How we do research at Politecnico
- Research projects
Il PNRR e il Politecnico
- MOST - Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile
- HPC - Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing
- Agritech - Centro Nazionale di Ricerca nell'Agricoltura
- Centro Nazionale per la Biodiversità
- MUSA - Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action
- Ecosister - Ecosistema per la Transizione sostenibile in Emilia-Romagna
- FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research
- NEST - Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition
- RETURN - Multi-risk science for resilient communities under a changing climate
- GRINS - Growing Resilient Inclusive And Sustainable
- ONFOODS - Research and innovation network for sustainable food and nutrition
- MICS - Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile
- RESTART - Research and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart
- I-PHOQS - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Photonic and Quantum Sciences
- EBRAINS - European Brain Research Infrastructures-Italy
- ECCSELLENT - Development of ECCSEL-ERIC R.I. Italian facilities to improve user access, services and ensure long-term sustainability
- NG-Croce - NextGeneration Croce del Nord
- NFFA-DI - Nano Foundries and Fine Analysis – Digital Infrastructure
- Building Sustainability Lab - Center for sustainable comfort in buildings and energy communities
- TECHcelera - Technological Accelerator
- DES-PARK - Digital Energy Storage Park
- ANTHEM - Advanced Technologies for Human-centred Medicine
- INNOVA - Italian network of excellence for advanced diagnosis
- Altri progetti PNRR
- Bandi a cascata
- Partnerships with companies (JRP)
Technology Transfer
- Patents
- Adapta Studio
- Agade
- Approxima
- Aiblooms
- Artiness
- Bac3Gel
- Banksealer
- BCode
- BiomimX
- Bi-rex
- BluBrake
- Blue Signals
- BRaVe M&T
- Breathe Happiness
- Cambridge Raman Imaging
- Cap_Able
- Captive Systems
- Cherrydata
- Cohaerentia
- Drone Radio Beacon
- E-CO
- eNextGen
- Enersem
- Enigma
- ES+
- Exvirience
- Eye4Nir
- Gel Proximity
- Genport
- GReD
- HelioSwitch
- Holonix
- Idea Bioprocess Technology
- Lift Energy
- Listensmart
- LyoTech
- Lithium Lasers
- MecTho
- MgShell
- Miraitek
- ML Cube
- Modelta
- MobiMESH
- Moi Composites
- Motus ml
- Mox Off
- Narvalo
- Nautilus
- Nireos
- Nova Labs
- One-Off Innovation
- Phononic Vibes
- PhotonPath
- Pionirs
- Piùlento
- Raylab
- Reactive
- Restech
- Second Skin Insulation System
- SmartMechanical
- Smart robots
- Springa
- Sursum-Mi
- Symlogik
- Tech.Kno
- Tediel
- Triadi
- WatAJet
- Why Only White
- ZH
- PoliHub
- Services for researchers
- Architecture and Urban Studies
- Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
- Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering
- Design
- Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
- Energy
- Physics
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Aerospace Science and Technology
- Large Infrastructures
Interdepartmental laboratories
- AMALA - Advanced MAnufacturing LAboratory
- ArchMat Lab - Characterization of materials for traditional and innovative architecture
- CD Lab - Laboratory for Circular Dichroism
- CD Lab - Laboratory for Circular Dichroism (copy 2)
- CECH - Climate and Energy for Cultural Heritage
- CELLS - Circular Economy Lab for Life Sciences
- CFDHub@Polimi - Computational Fluid Dynamic Laboratory
- Climate-Lab
- CREA Lab - Laboratory of Compressible-fluid dynamics for Renewable Energy Applications
- DataCloud - Cloud, Data Science, Big Data
- ED-ME Lab - Laboratory for Environmental Design and Multisensory Experiences
- E4Sport - Engineering for Sport Laboratory
- Funtasma - Functional Sintered Materials
- GEOLab - Geomatics and Earth Observation Laboratory
- High Strain Rate Lab
- I.DRIVE - Interaction between Driver Road-Infrastructure Vehicles and Environment
- ISmicroLAB - In-Situ Micromechanics Laboratory
- Internet of Things Lab
- Molecular Modelling Laboratory
- LAFOS - Laboratory on Fibre Optic Sensors
- LiDuP - Lightweight Construction and Durability Performance
- LuCId Lab - Live Cell Imaging
- MAD.Lab - Electron Beam Melting for Metal Additive Manufacturing
- Mantova Lab
- MetaMAT-Lab
- NanoMedLab - Laboratory of NanoMedicine
- PHEEL - PHysiology, Emotion and Experience Laboratory
- PoliNDT - Laboratory for Structural Monitoring and Diagnostics
- PSVL - PoliMi Sound and Vibration Laboratory
- SismoSoilLab
- SoLINano-Σ Lab - Solid-Liquid Interface Nanomicroscopy and Spectroscopy Lab
- Textiles Hub - Interdepartmental textiles and polymers research laboratory
- Urbanscope Lab
- WE-COBOT LAB - Wearable and collaborative robotics Laboratory
- Contacts
- Sustainable development
Campus & services
- Student accommodation
- Canteens and cafes
- Libraries and archives
- Spaces and study areas
- Stores and print centres
- ICT Services
- Prevention and Protection
- International Mobility
- Equal opportunities and inclusion
- Psychological wellbeing
Sport and leisure
- Students associations
Student competitions
- Sustainable Moth Challenge
- X-culture
- Cybathlon
- IPT - International Physicists' Tournament
- Motostudent
- IREC - International Real Estate Challenge
- Score
- Formula student
- CFA Institute Research Challenge
- Euroc
- Monaco Energy Boat Challenge
- Southwestern Europe Regional Contest
- Shell Eco-Marathon
- ACM RecSys Challenge
- Air Cargo Challenge
- Field Robot Event
- GenHack
- European Rover Challenge
- Students Reinventing City
- Indy Autonomous Challenge
- Buddy Project
- Polimi Tour Guide
Conventions and benefits
- Fielmann
- Freitag
- Food stamps
- "Per merito" Loan
- StudioSì - Fondo Specializzazione Intelligente
- Sport Specialist
- Tigotà
- Parental support
- Ecoverso
- British Language Services / Linguaviva - TOEIC Test sessions
- Fondazione Prada
- British Language Services / Linguaviva - Language Courses abroad
- EAS Milan
- Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano
- Associazione Canone Inverso
- Associazione Hendel
- Serate Musicali
- Cinema Anteo
- Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
- Aragorn
- MTM - Manifatture Teatrali Milanesi
- Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
- Pacta dei Teatri
- Piccolo Teatro
- Società del Quartetto di Milano
- Spazio Teatro No'hma Teresa Pomodoro
- Teatro Cinema Martinitt
- Il Teatro del Buratto
- Teatro Carcano
- Teatro Elfo Puccini
- Teatro Franco Parenti
- Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber
- Teatro Manzoni
- Teatro Menotti
- Teatro Nazionale
- Triennale Milano Teatro
- Teatro Filodrammatici
- Teatro degli Arcimboldi
- Teatro Fontana
- Teatri Possibili
- The World of Banksy – The Immersive Experience
- Zona K
- ParcoStudio
- Step Futurability District
- HelloFresh
- Kuiri
- Fratelli Carli
- Penny Market
- To market
- Hard Rock Cafè Milan
- BikeMi
- Busforfun
- Cooltra
- Dott
- Enjoy
- E-Vai
- Lime
- Pikyrent
- Wayla
- Insieme Salute
- Casaforte
- Aero Club Adele Orsi
- Activia (Piacenza)
- Golf Club Le Rovedine
- Puresport
- SAI Milano
- Surfskate heavenboards & co
- C&C Apple Premium Partner
- Evolution Level Ricondizionati
- Terme & SPA Italia
- Bagexpress
- Flibco
- Lonely Planet
- Trenitalia
- Work and collaborations
Prospective students
- Open Day 2025
- News
- Why Politecnico di Milano
- Programmes
Tools for your study choice
- Vita all'università
- Webinars about the tests of Engineering and Design
- Locandine
- Sportello in presenza
- Sportello Da studente a studente
- Corsi PNRR
- Altre attività di orientamento
- Campus tour
- Virtual Tour
- Il Politecnico per le ragazze
- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
- Meet us in your country
- #Askastudent
- Student life
- Toward the world of careers
How to apply
Admission to Laurea programmes
- Design
- Engineering
- Architecture
- Urban Planning
- Types of students
- Previous career evaluation documents
- How to apply for a student visa
- Necessary documents for enrolment
- Requirements to participate in the admission test
- What to do after the enrolment
- Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD)
- Available places
- Admission to laurea magistrale
- Admission to Specializing masters and PhD programmes
- Single courses
- Simutaneous registration to two Study Programmes
- After admission
- On arrival information
Admission to Laurea programmes
- Costs and scholarships
Transfers and other specific cases
- Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programmes in engineering
- Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programmes in Design
- [Translate to English:] Corsi di laurea in Progettazione dell'Architettura e Ingegneria Edile-Architettura a ciclo unico
- [Translate to English:] Corsi di laurea di Urbanistica
- Contacts
- Notices
- After the enrolment
Tuition fees, scholarships and financial aid
Tuition fees
- Cosa fare
- No Tax Area
- Political refugees
- Students with income and property abroad
- Deductions and reimbursement
- Special exemption
- Categories of exemption provided by Politecnico
- Payment by instalments of the all-inclusive contribution
- Exemption for disability
- Deadlines and administrative procedures
- Exemption provided by the Balance Law 2017
- ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator)
- Proportional payment of the all-inclusive amount on the basis of Educational Credits (ECTS)
- Extraordinary Grants
- University Financial Aid - Diritto allo Studio Universitario (DSU)
- Scholarships and graduation awards (non dsu)
- Modulo detrazioni fiscali
- Application for MUR contribution of renting expenses 2024
Tuition fees
- Study Plan and OFA
- Didactic Activities and Degree Examination
Language requirements
- Students of an italian-language Laurea study programme
- Students of an English-Language Laurea Study Programme
- Students of the Building Engineering-Architecture Laurea Magistrale Study Programme
- Students of Laurea Magistrale Study Programmes
- Special cases: changing programme, transfer from other universities, second title, readmission
- External bodies
- Financial aid
Special cases
- Loss of student status
- Withdrawal from studies
- Suspension of study
- Interruption of studies
- Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes
- Changing to Laurea programmes in Engineering and AUIC/Engineering
- Changing degree programme to degree programmes in Architectural Design and Building Engineering/Architecture
- Changing degree programme to Laurea programmes in Design
- Changing degree programme to "Urban Planning: Cities, Environment & Landscapes"
- Transfer to another University
- Calendar and deadlines
- Certificates and forms
- Contacts
- Student Ombuds Office
- Representatives and Associations
- Alumni
Faculty and Researchers
Calls and competitions
- Calls and competitions for professors positions
- Calls and competitions for researchers
- Research contract
- Research grants
- Calls for teaching support activities for study programmes
- Calls for the assignment of research support activities
- Call for MSCA PF masterclass Polimi
- 15 position for the Young Researchers Call
- Professional enhancement and training
- Services and relief
- Well-being at work
- Visiting professors and researchers
Calls and competitions
- Staff
- Companies
- Press